Illiana Expressway B3, Tier Two Public Meeting

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) are holding public meetings to explain "Tier Two"of the Illiana Expressway Study Process.

Now that Corridor "B3" and a no-build option have been advanced into Tier Two of the study process, the study team will focus on the land along the B3 corridor.  During Tier Two, the team will investigate where to locate interchanges and study environmental impacts.

The Illiana Corridor's website claims an Illiana Expressway "will reduce the strain of truck traffic on local roads, improve safety, cut commuting times, reduce congestion, and improve accessibility to jobs. Environmentally, it will help to reduce the number of travel hours and fuel wasted as a result of cars and trucks caught in congestion. IDOT and INDOT estimate the project will create or retain more than 9,000 construction jobs immediately, and more than 25,000 long-term jobs."

A group opposed to the Illiana--No Illiana For Us--does not agree with these claims and is trying to organize opposition to the Illiana.  More on "No Illiana 4 Us" HERE.

Two public meetings will be held, one in Illinois and one in Indiana:

ILLINOIS                                            INDIANA
Tuesday, April 16, 2013                  Thursday, April 18, 2013
5:00 - 8:00 p.m.                                5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Peotone High School                      Lowell Middle School 
605 West North Street                    19250 Cline Ave. 
Peotone, IL 60468                            Lowell, IN 46356

Officials from INDOT and IDOT will be on hand during the entire open house and a question and answer forum will be held each day at 6 p.m..

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