It's Harvest Time in Will County, Be Careful Driving Near Farm Implements

Harvest colors in rural Will County near Wilton Center, Illinois

It is now harvest season in Will County.  Farmers are at work harvesting corn and soybean crops.  With more tractors, wagons, and grain trucks on the road, it is important for everyone to slow down and share the road safely with farm equipment.

When you see the slow moving vehicle sign, slow down and give the vehicle plenty of room.  Also be careful to stay out of the way when the vehicle makes turns, as the turns may be wide.
Slow moving vehicle sign on the back of a piece of farm equipment

Wagons carrying grain such as the one pictured above sometimes obscure the view of the person driving the tractor or truck carrying the wagon, therefore make sure you do not assume the driver can see you.

Since the housing boom bust in Will County, there are several areas of land where heavy residential and retail development exists alongside farm fields.  Especially in areas such as New Lenox, Manhattan, Frankfort, and Green Garden, farm implements share roads that now experience heavy use.   On roads such as Route 45 or Laraway or Cedar Road, there might be a long line of cars behind a farm implement.    Do your part for safety, slow down and make sure to pass these implements only when it is safe!

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